

  • Burial Lot $3500/lot

    • Perpetual care maintenance is included in the burial lot price and collected with all new lot purchases.
    • Acquiring a burial lot is referred to and legally considered a "right of burial" in the cemetery. It does not confer ownership to a specific piece of land. Title to the land is not acquired.

  • Perpetual care maintenance $ 700/lot

    (Perpetual care maintenance is collected at the time of burial, unless it was collected at time of lot purchase. This situation generally applies on lots that were purchased prior to the year 2000. Prior to 2000, perpetual care was generally not paid along with the lot purchase.)

    • Perpetual care maintenance includes mowing and general grounds maintenance.
    • Perpetual care does NOT include maintenance to monuments or memorials.
    • Monuments and memorials are the property of those that purchased them. Cemetery is not responsible for damage or upkeep.
    Lawn maintenance - Note, this cemetery does not have a full irrigation system. Therefore, grass can sometimes take up to 3+ years before it is fully re-established over newly dug graves. Grass growth is dependent on natural rainfall and temperature.

  • Opening and closing $ 2200
  • Foundation installation $ 1000

    (per burial - not optional, Required for all burials)

  • MN sales tax 8.525% on foundation $ 85.25
  • Chapel usage $ 400 (optional)
  • Snow removal or frost $ 400 (seasonal)
  • Monument maintenance fee* $ 400

    * This charge applies if a foundation under a double monument already exists prior to January 1, 2014, and there is no need to install a new foundation. Or if for other reason a memorial foundation is not required. Fee also applies to upright veteran monuments where a cement foundation may not be needed. Veteran monuments are generally installed directly into the ground. The monument maintenance fee is used at the cemetery's discretion for general upkeep of old and older monuments where no family member can be identified to take responsibility for care of a monument (or marker).

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